Andre Akito

November 2020

Đà Nẵng | Vietnam

Đà Nẵng is located in the central region in Vietnam. It is one of the country’s five direct-controlled municipalities and, as a consequence, it falls under the administration of the central government. Over the last decades, it has been one of the most prosperous cities in Vietnam and has developed very quickly, becoming the commercial and educational hub of Central Vietnam and the largest city in the region. The city lies on the coast of the East Sea of Vietnam at the mouth of the Hàn River and is one of Vietnam’s most important port cities. The city is very lively and has a beach atmosphere. It offers great restaurants, nightlife, culture and many foreigners choose to live in this city. Locals from Đà Nẵng are very creative and have a really cool style. It’s definitely one of the best cities to live in Vietnam. 

Sơn Trà Peninsula

Son Trà Peninsula is located 10km away from the center of Đà Nẵng and it stands 693m high above sea level. Its mountain range acts as screen, holding the clouds and protecting Đà Nẵng from storms and can be seen from basically every place in the city. The peninsula is home to a variety of wildlife. In the past, US troops used to call the Son Trá as Monkey Mountain, due to the number of monkeys that live there. In the northeast of the peninsula, there are also some giant banyan trees with many big roots that spans down to ground. Additionally, there are some additional highlights such as Lady Buddha (the tallest Buddha’s statue in Vietnam), The Dong Dinh Museum The Garden of Memory, a couple of viewpoints and many secret beaches and spots. 

Hải Vân Pass

The Hải Vân Pass is an approximately 21 km long mountain highway pass in Vietnam. It coasts the East Sea of Vietnam and basically connects the province of Huế with the city of Đà Nẵng. It is very pleasing ride, with some really nice views along the road. There are also a viewpoint exactly at the top of the pass and a few coffee shops on the way to just sit down and watch the view. 

The Marble Mountains

The Marble Mountains is a cluster of five marble and limestone hills located a few kilometers to the south of Da Nang. Each mountain is named after a particular element as  Kim (Metal), Thuy (Water), Moc (Wood), Hoa (Fire) and Tho (Earth). There are also caves and pagodas spread within the mountains. 

Plants in Mỹ Sơn Sanctuary

Mỹ Sơn Sanctuary is an abandoned temple complex built between the 4th and 14th century by the Cham People, an empire that ruled the central and southern region of Vietnam centuries ago. I visited Mỹ Sơn Sanctuary and was mostly impressed by the leaves and plants that I found around the abandoned structures. 

* All photos available for printing. Get in contact by email or on social media for more information. 

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