Andre Akito


January 11 , 2020

CrazyInRollers – Skating is about sharing moments

CrazyInRollers is a skate shop based in São Paulo, Brazil. Even though the shop specializes in inline skating products, it also offers a wide variety of skateboard products, clothing and accessories. Nevertheless, the fact is that CrazyInRollers is much more than just a regular skate shop. It is also a huge community of people who loves and supports inline skating in São Paulo and also around Brazil.

The community members regularly meet to visit and skate in different parks across São Paulo. In addition, they organize events such as contests and even rent skating equipment for people who want to learn. They also share content about equipment’s and from the inline skating community around Brazil in their social media, such as Instagram and Facebook. CrazyInRollers is definitely helping in the development of the inline skating culture and community in Brazil. It’s possible to see their idea in their slogan: skating is about sharing moments.

I first got in contact with the CrazyInRollers when I was taking pictures of random skaters at Centro de Esportes Radicais (CER), one of the biggest and most popular skate parks in São Paulo. By that time, I was about to leave the park when I saw a guy doing some really crazy tricks with his inline.

I got so impressed with his skills that I approached and asked if I could take pictures of him some other day whenever he was going to skate again. He told me that he usually went skating with a group called CrazyInRollers and that I was more than welcome to join them whenever I wanted to. We immediately exchanged contacts and that’s how I first met Anderson Santos, who eventually became a good friend of mine.

Parque Benedito Bueno de Morais | Franco da Rocha

A few weeks later, Wanderson sent me a message and told me that he and his friends from CrazyInRollers were going to a skate park called Parque Benedito Bueno de Morais, located in Franco da Rocha, a city located 44km from the center of São Paulo. I quickly checked the location, got my stuff and went off to meet him. Once I got there, I met some members from CrazyInRollers, who were extremely welcoming! It was first time I was going to this skate park and it is a really nice place. The park was renovated a few years ago and it has many different areas to skate.  These are some of the photos that I made that day.

Centro de Esportes Radicais | São Paulo

A few months after I first met Anderson, we got in contact again and this time he told me that he was going to Centro de Esportes Radicais, the skate park where we first met. I really wanted to take some photos of him there, since this is definitely one of the best places to skate in São Paulo. So, once again, I packed my things and went straight to meet him.

This day, some of the people that I met in Parque Benedito Bueno de Morais were also there. However, there were also so many new people skating, what gave me an idea of how big the community is. That was also the first day I met Marcelo Visini, the founder of CrazyInRollers, who told me a little of the story of CrazyInRollers.

Wan Inline at Centro de Esportes Radicais | São Paulo | Brazil

Finally, on that same day at Centro de Esportes Radicais, I asked Wanderson if he would like to shoot a short video of himself skating. He said he would love to! So, I got my camera and started shooting him around. This is a short video we made together from that day.

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